Dental Diseases and Periodontology

Gum / Gingival Treatment

In gum treatments performed with laser, all foreign materials and tissues around the tooth are cleaned without interventional surgical procedures. The natural state of tissue biology is provided. The laser stimulates coagulation of the blood that fills the cavity of the angularly dissolving bone around the tooth and the body is enabled to form bone by transforming the clot. Thus, there is no need to perform advanced surgical procedures and there is no need to use foreign materials such as bone dust from the outside.

Frenulum, muscle tissues can cause gum recessions by limiting aesthetic procedures. However, it can even cause gaps between teeth. The process of releasing these muscle tissues is called frenectomy. In today’s laser technology, the frenectomy procedure can be easily performed without bleeding in a short time with maximum patient comfort.

Plaque formed by food residues accumulating in the surrounding tooth tissues turns into tartar in time and forms suitable nests for bacteria. These bacteria also cause inflammation around the tooth. Over time, with the effect of inflammation, bone begins to resorb and over time, there is dental calculus formation in this area under the gum. Bacteria that settle here cause more bone resorption. With the classical method, these stones and bacteria under the gums must be curetted (scraped) with hand tools or, in deeper bone resorption, to surgically clean and place bone dust. However, thanks to the developing technology, it is possible to perform this procedure without surgery with dental laser treatment.

Frenulum, muscle tissues can cause gum recessions by limiting aesthetic procedures. However, it can even cause gaps between teeth. The process of releasing these muscle tissues is called frenectomy. In today’s laser technology, the frenectomy procedure can be easily performed without bleeding in a short time with maximum patient comfort.

Frenulum, muscle tissues can cause gum recessions by limiting aesthetic procedures. However, it can even cause gaps between teeth. The process of releasing these muscle tissues is called frenectomy. In today’s laser technology, the frenectomy procedure can be easily performed without bleeding in a short time with maximum patient comfort.

Gingival Bleeding During Pregnancy: Causes and Treatment

Gingivitis is an oral disorder that leads to inflammation, swelling and redness in the gums. It will often lead to gingival bleeding. The curious thing about this disorder is that it often manifests in pregnant women and goes away after birth. Pregnancy causes a surge of hormones in women, making them much more prone to gingival bleeding. Thus, gingival bleeding and pregnancy are super common. Gingivitis is a common disease that may occur when plaque forms on your teeth. Sometimes plaque will accumulate on your gums, making them inflamed and tender.

  • Reduced Saliva Production: You may not think that decreased saliva production significantly impacts your gingival bleeding. However, some pregnant women may persist in reduced saliva due to increased hormones. Less liberal means that carbs are much more likely to persist in the mouth, leading to more significant plaque formation. Bacteria may attack the plaque and cause greater gingival bleeding in pregnant women.
  • Hormones: Your body is pushing out a lot of hormones to ensure that your fetus is well taken care of. The hormones estrogen and progesterone increase the blood flow to all the mucous membranes, including the ones in your mouth and gums. Thus, your gums are much more likely to bleed.
  • Dietary Changes: When you get pregnant, your eating habits are all over the place. You will likely eat carbs, fast foods, and sweets more often. These choices are high in sugar and salt, leading to more significant plaque formation that may cause gingival bleeding.
  • pH of Saliva: The pH of the saliva may also decrease during pregnancy which may cause it to be acidic. It is no longer a suitable buffer, leading to greater problems like tooth erosion.
  • Eat Healthily: Eating the proper nutrients helps to build gum health. You should also reduce the amount of sugar in your diet regardless of your cravings. Sugar can be bad for your gums and teeth and may cause more significant problems later. You should also take your prenatal vitamins to care of your body.
  • Mouthwash: Mouthwash provides an extra layer of safety from bacteria which can limit the possibility of gingival bleeding.
  • Practice Good Oral Hygiene: The easiest way to reduce gingival bleeding is by limiting plaque formation. Brushing your teeth twice a day can help reduce the possibility of food particles getting stuck in the mouth.
  • Book Appointments with Your Dentist: Regular dental checkups are the best way to treat your gingival bleeding. Your dentist can help you manage gingival bleeding during pregnancy.

Gingival Recession

A gingival recession occurs when the gum tissue pulls away from the teeth and the teeth start displaying more and more of their roots. The core concern is that as the teeth start pulling away, there may be gaps where a bacterial attack might be much easier. Gingival recession can lead to greater sensitivity. It can also cause teeth to undergo much more damage. There are many causes for gingival recession and just as many treatments for this oral disease. There are specific reasons the gingival recession is a cause for alarm. However, taking care of your teeth in time can quickly reverse the gingival recession.

  • Brushing Teeth Aggressively: If you are constantly brushing your teeth with a lot of force, you can wear away at the enamel on your teeth which may cause a gingival recession.
  • Lack of Dental Care: One of the most necessary things you would have to do as an adult is taking care of your teeth. This involves brushing, flossing and rinsing with mouthwash to ensure there is no settlement of plaque or tartar on your teeth.
  • Periodontal Diseases: Periodontal diseases generally involve bacteria that may destroy the health of your gums. Gum diseases are one of the major causes of gum recession as they can attack the gum tissue and the bone that the gum tissue is on.
  • Genes: Some people are much more prone to gum disease than others. Studies show that 30% of the world population is likely to be more predisposed to gum disease even if they take care of their gums well.
  • Smoking or Increased Tobacco Use: Tobacco use can cause an accumulation of plaque, leading to bacterial infection and, thus, gum disease. This gum disease can then lead to gingival recession. Smoking leads to much more sticky plaque, which can be challenging to get rid of.
  • Hormonal Changes: Females go through hormonal fluctuations throughout their life. It may occur during pregnancy, menopause and puberty and it can make gums more sensitive which is why gingival recession may persist in women undergoing such changes.
  • Lip or Tongue Piercings: Lip or tongue piercings involve abrasive metal. This jewelry can contact the gums and irritate them. The abrasions may also cause the wearing of gum tissue, resulting in gingival recession as bacteria attack.
  • Antibiotics: The dentist recommends some antibiotics if gum disease occurs because of periodontal disease. They will also get to work on cleaning your teeth which involves procedures like scaling and deep cleaning that help to remove the significant number of bacteria that must have settled in your mouth. Sometimes, a dentist will ask to insert an antibiotic into your gum line.
  • Orthodontics: Sometimes, if a tooth does not have the proper position, then gum recession may occur. In this situation, the dentist will want to correct your teeth through braces. Once that is done, the gingival recession may no longer exist.
  • Gum Recession Surgery: This treatment is the most long-lasting of all the treatments. A periodontist will take a gum graft and apply it to the space in your mouth where the gum is missing. The surgeon will then stick it into place, giving you a more aesthetic smile and fewer chances of gum disease.

Scaling And Root Planning

Scaling and rooting planning are common dental procedures that help prevent the spread of bacteria. They are also referred to as deep cleaning procedures in dentistry.

Scaling is a procedure in which the dentist removes stubborn tartar or plaque from your gums. They do the scrapping both under and above your gum line. After the scaling procedure is completed, the dentist then begins root planning.

Root planning is a dental procedure to remove cemented and any remaining embedded calculus from the roots. It helps create a smooth, firm surface. Moreover, it works to soothe the tooth root after scaling, allowing the gums to reattach to your teeth. Smoot tooth roots prevent bacteria and tartar from further damaging your teeth and gums.

Scaling and root planning both require attention to detail. Therefore, you should expect your appointment to take some time. Your dentist must be sure that all the bacteria are removed successfully. Otherwise, the gum disease may spread and begin attacking your tooth structure, bones and gum tissue.

If you have good oral health, you only require regular dental visits and deep cleaning twice a year. However, the dentist may recommend deep cleaning more than twice a year for individuals with severe periodontitis.

These Procedures Improve Your General and Oral Hygiene

Gum diseases are often linked to several health problems such as high blood pressure, risks of stroke etc. Scaling and root planning reduce the risks of gum diseases. Therefore, you are ultimately preventing the development of other health issues.

Prevents Gum Disease from Spreading

Gum disease is progressive; you cannot get rid of it without professional dental treatment. Also, it will only worsen if you do not treat it in time. You may experience mouth pain, bone deterioration and tooth loss if this happens. You may experience mouth pain, bone deterioration and tooth loss if you suffer from gum diseases. Scaling and root planning prevent this from happening.

It Gives You a Bright and Stunning Smile.

Scaling and root planning help improve the overall appearance of your teeth. Everyone wants to feel confident while they are smiling. However, gum disease makes your teeth appear red and swollen.

Pink (Gingival) Aesthetic

Smile design techniques are in-demand and rightfully so because they provide an authentic oral and dental aesthetic that looks natural but better. However, technically, any process done to achieve a specific look for the gum and help them appear symmetrical or per the patient’s expectations is called gingivoplasty. However, a less medial and everyday term for this process is “pink aesthetics”. The term resonates with the color of the gums and differentiates the procedure with other dental aesthetic treatments and smile design options that are specific to teeth, jaw or other parts of the oral and mouth structure.

Often people think that maybe too much of their gums are showing when they smile. People also complain if they find their gums are asymmetrical and take away from the beauty of their overall smile. We suggest they go for the pink (gingival) aesthetic treatment option for a better smile design. The process starts with your dental aesthetician taking a necessary image of your teeth and gums using intraoral camera technology. Next, they apply software-generated compatible gums and smile designs over your lips and teeth. Experts recommend that aesthetic treatments like smile design achieve a faster biological healing process.

There is little to no bleeding or requirement for anesthesia in pink aesthetics, making it a highly convenient option for patients. As all of this is done without requiring unpleasant procedures, surgeries or operations, the patient might not even need as little as a painkiller. In a week’s time, you would have your perfect smile as it should have been all along.


Dental treatments that are long-lasting and have a high success rate with patients are the most demanded and popular ones in the dental industry. One such treatment option is known as Depigmentation – as the name suggests, it works for the pigment of your teeth.

Basically, the color of the teeth and their gum and tissue structure are just as crucial for creating a harmonious and symmetrical alignment of your teeth, conjoined with your lips. Depigmentation targets all these features for a better aesthetic appeal. Believe it or not, a healthy gum set is pink in color and the texture resembles an orange peel. Hence, if you have wrinkled, dark purplish gums, chances are a depigmentation treatment is an ideal option to bring them back to their original, healthy color and aesthetic.

Usually, the YAG laser is used to achieve this color and textural consistency. People find the discoloration disturbing and it looks like your gums are bruised. So, using the laser to bring the healthy color back works swiftly and ideally for them. Sometimes the procedure would require regional anesthesia. However, most times, your dental expert would guide you rightfully on how they shall proceed. In case your skin and gum color are inherently dark then it is nothing to worry about.